JSP stands for java server pages and it is use to develop web
based applications.
we place all the JSP programs inside project folder. Every JSP program ends
with an extension “.JSP “. We no need to configure JSP as part of web.xml file.
We can send the request to the JSP’s directly from the browser.
are so many advantages are available with JSP’s when compared with servlet. The
following are some of the advantages of JSP’s when compared with servlets.
improve the productivity of the developer (we can develop the JSP projects
quickly when compared with servlets).
can develop JSP’s without the package of java.
using JSP’s we can sprat out business logic and presentation logic.
we deploy the project and client has sent to request to JSP the server has
converted JSP program into corresponding servlet.
Apache guy has released HttpServer. This server can process HTML pages, images
and JavaScript. This server can’t run servlet’s and JSP’s.
*What is a Servlet Container?
Servlet container is a program which provides the
implementation of Servlet-API. It is the responsibility of Servlet Container to
create Servlet object and call the life cycle methods of servlet.
*What is JSP container?
A JSP container is a program which provides the implementation of JSP-API. It is the
responsibility of JSP container to run JSP programs. A Tomcat Server is a collection of HttpServer, Servlet Container
and JSP container.
Today’s server are aggregated into two ways. They are:
1. Web Servers
2. Application Servers
Most of the
web servers run servlets and JSP’s. Application server run servelts and JSP’s
as well as they can run EJB application also.
Web logic
Server Application Server
Tomcat is called as Web Server, Web
logic, Web Sphere, JBoss are called as Application Servers.
An application server provides the
complete implementation to JEE.API. Where as web servers can provide the
partial implementation of JEE API.
Procedure for when
client send the request for the FirstTime
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Servlets and jsp
v The server will carry out all the
above the steps when the client has sent the request to the JSP for the 1st
time. When the client has sent the request 2nd time directly server
execute the servlet object of the corresponding JSP.
v Sun micro systems have inherited so
many features of JSP programming language and develop JSP applications.
Theoretically speaks we can develop JSP applications without writing java
v According to the discussion as of new
we have assented that we can develop the projects quickly and deliver to the
customer easily based on JSP’s. No doubt servlets gives setter performance when
compared with JSP’s.
v Even though servlet’s give better
performance when compared with JSP’s. We can’t measure the performance
difference with human being eye. But when we consider the project cost we had a
huge difference between servlet’s and JSP’s.
In most of the projects we use both
servlets and JSP’s. If you want to execute huge amount to business logic we go
with servlets. In the entire remaining scenario’s we use JSP’s.
It is the responsibility of the
server to call the JSP compiler when the client sends the request to JSP. We
can call JSP compiler manually. Generally we do this work to understand the
internal code of generated servlet.
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