There are so many companies who are manufacturing the processors some of the company names are INTEL, SUN, AMD and etc. the processors are responsible to execute the programs. We have developed a ‘C’ program to add the number. The ‘C’ program developed high level language.
            void main(){
                        int a = 10;
                        int b = 20;
                        a + b = a;

If we would like to run this program. We need to compile the program. It is the responsibility of compiler to convert high level language into machine level language.
The ‘C’ compiler generates an .exe file. Inside the exe file the ‘C’ compiler has placed the processor dependent instructions. This ‘C’ compiler is installed on INTEL processor.

Now create we can run One.exe file on the “INTEL” processor                  

We have taken the same .exe file and try to run it can on sun processor but we are failed to execute the program. This is because sun processor can not execute the “INTEL PROCESSOR” instructions.

If we got the requirement to run the ‘C’ program on al the processor we need to recompile the same program on different processor.

When develop a JAVA program to add the numbers we can not run the directly on any computer.

By taking the help of JAVA compiler we have converted .JAVA programming to .class file.

If we would like to run the java application we need to give .class file as Input to JVM.
It is the responsibility of JVM to convert java instructions into processor dependent instructions.



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