The following is true Architecture of Hibernate framework.

*Hibernate is called as ORM tool are ORM framework ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

In the market they are so many ORM frame works are available some of them are Hibernate, JPA (java persistent API) JDO (java data object) i batches, STO (service data o/p), Top Link etc.

All these frame works are used as ORM Tools. The differences between the Tools are the names of the classes are different.

In the database server the data will be stored in the side the tables between the tables we establish a relationship because of this reason we call it is relational data.

*Representations relational records in the form of object we call it has ORM:

can we use JDBC to represent records in the form of object?

A.  Yes, we can use JDBC to represent the records in the form of object. In case of JDBC we have to provide huge amount of code to represent huge amount of data in the form of object.

B.  As a Hibernate developer we need to develop a java application with uses Hibernate API and interact with database server. If we want to develop a java application we need to configure DB server and provide some additional files to Hibernate software.

C. If the Hibernate software to communicate with database server we required a user with special privileged (sequence) the tables in the database server must contain primary keys.


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