Approach 2:

 Create the POJO class object and supply the primary key value. Mark the POJO class object as to be deleting by calling the delete method.


public class DeleteRecords1{

public static void main(String[] args){
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
SessionFactory sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
Session hsession = sf.openSession();
Product p = new Product();

In this approach when we call the delete method object is marked as to be deleted. When we call the commit() method it has perform the following 3 steps.

Step 1: It check weather primary key value is available in the supplied object or not. If not available it will not carry out any work.
Step 2: If the primary key value is available a select query will be send to database server to check weather record is available or not.
Step 3: If the record is available in DB hibernate send the delete query. If the record is not available hibernate will not do any work.


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