A JSP program contains set of JSP elements. The following are the elements of JSP. They are given below:

1.     Template Text
2.     Script let
3.     JSP Expressions
4.     JSP Declarations
5.     JSP Directions
6.     JSP Action Tags
7.     JSP Custom Tags
8.     EL Expressions(Expression Language)

*Template Text:

This Element is used to send output to the client. We can write the Template TextElement.directly in the JSP without any special symbols.

Ex:      First Line       //TemplateText Line1
            Second Line //TemplateText Line2

When we use Template Text the content will be placed inside out.Print() method. When we run the above JSP we got the following servlet.

public class Final one_jsp extends HttpJSPBase{
public void –JSPService(…….){
out.Println(“First Line”);
out.Println(“Second Line”);

The following is an example of sending a form to the client by using JSP’s.

            User Name:<input type = “text” name = “uname”/><br>
            Password:<input type = “Password” name = “pwd”/><br>
            <input type = “submit” value = “Login”/>


            Scripts are used to write java code in JSP’s. The following is the syntax of Scriplet.

<%      //start scriplet
            Java code
%>      //ending script

                        int a = 10;


When the JSP complier encounter a Scriplet directly placed inside –JSPService() method.

When we are using Scriplets in the JSP. We must follow all the rules in the java. If we don’t follow all the rules of java the JSP compiler will fail in converting .java program into .class file and JSP compiler displays Errors in Browser.

Welcome to JSP’s

            int a = 10;

JSP compiler follows set of rules in converting JSP program into corresponding Servlet program.

Implicit variables:

                        In JSP’s we can use some variables without we declaring it. The variables which can be used in JSP’s without declaring we call them as implicit variables or implicit objects. The following are of implicit variables available in the JSP.

1.     request
2.     response
3.     pageContext
4.     session
5.     application
6.     config
7.     out
8.     page
9.     Exception

Response: following is an example of using response object directly in the JSP.


We can send the error message directly to the client.

            O response.sendError(543,”abc”);


            Request implicit variable can be used directly in the JSP script without we declaring it.

request -----------------à HttpServletRequest

out.println(request.getHeader(“User Agent”)+”<br>”);

Config: Config variable is belongs to servletConfig data type. By using servletConfig we can remove the hard coding.
            Config----à servletConfig
            String drv = config.getInitParameter(“drv”);

servletConfig is an object used by servlet container to pass the information during initialization.

Once if we get the ServletConfig object, we can find the name of the servlet which is configured in web.xml file by using a method getServletName() method.
                        String name = config.getServletName();
As part of the url pattern if it end with .jsp, jsp compiler directly processes the jsp program.

Application:            application -----à ServletContext

1.     Application implicit variable can be used directly in the jsp.

2.     ServletContext object contains set of methods which are used to interact with ServletContainer. By using these methods we can find the information about ServletContainer.

3.     When ever sun micro system releases a new version of API. It is the responsibility of server vender to provide the implementation to the latest API. For example when servlet 2.5 is released Tomcat guys has provided the implementation and integrated it in Tomcat 6.0 the latest version of servlet API is 3.0 this version is integrated in Tomcat 7.0.


            We can use session implicit variable directly in the jsp. Session implicit variable is holding Http Session object.         
Session ----à HttpSession 


            We can use page implicit variable directly in the JSP.         
Page -----à Object
Page implicit variable hold the currently executes Servlet object for the corresponding JSP.


            The implicit variable can be used only in Error pages. When we try to use this variable in a JSP which is not an Error page we get an Error message.
            Exception -----à Throwable


We can use PageContext object directly in the jsp.
PageContext ---à PageContext
1.     Whenever -jspService() method is Executing it creates PageContext object. Whenever –jspService() method Execution is completed it removes PageContext object.
2.     By using PageContext implicit variable we can get any other implicit variable object.
Ex: application = PageContext.getServletContext();
In the jsp program also we can use comments.
        i.            We can follow HTML style of comments in jsp.
Ex:      <!- - -
                                    out.println(“we are in scriplet”);
                        --- >
      ii.            jsp style of writing comments.
<% ----
JSP Declarations:
                                    JSP declarations are used to create instance variables, instance methods and static variables and static methods.

            // instance variables
            // static variables
            // instance methods
            // static methods
When we run the JSP program which is having JSP declarations the JSP compiler directly place the contents inside the class.
                        int a;
                        public void method(){
            %>                  // One.jsp (JSPC)
public final class one_jsp Extends HttpJSPBase{
int a;                                                                                             
public void method(){
public void _JSPService(------){
// implicit variables            }

// One.servlet
If we write the JSP declaration with set of methods we need to call the methods from _JSPService() method.

public void methodOne(){
                        System.out.println(“we are in methodOne()”);
The implicit variables of JSP can’t be accusable in JSP declarations.

                        Public void methodOne(){
                        out.println(“we are in methodOne()”);
According to sun micro system the implicit variables can’t be accusable in JSP declarations. This is because the local variables of one() method can’t be accusable in another method.
As a java programmer we can follow our own techniques to use the local variables of one() method in another method.
                        JSPWriter out;
                        public void methodOne(){
                        out.println(“we are in methodOne()”);
                        this.out = out;
The following are three life cycle methods of JSP.

1.     JSPInit()
2.     _jspService()
3.     jspDestroy()

                        public void JSPInit(){
                        System.out.println(“we are in JSPInit()”);
                        public void jspDestroy(){
                        System.out.println(“we are in jspDestroy()”);
                        System.out.println(“we are in _jspService()”);
When the corresponding servlet object for the jsp is created, server call JSPInit() method. Every time the client send the request it Execute _jspService() method. When the project is un-deploy server Executes jspDestroy() method.
In case of jsp when ever we modify the jsp and send the request. The Existing servlet object will be removed and create new servlet object.

When the server create servlet object for a corresponding jsp program?

1.     When the client send the request to jsp for the 1st time server create the 1st servlet object and call the life cycle method.

2.     When we modify the jsp and when the client send the request to the server if already servlet object is available it removes the old servlet object and creates new servlet object [it will call jspDestroy()].

JSP Expressions: jsp Expressions simplifies the use of java Expressions in jsp.
Getting the value from variable and display to the client is called as java Expressions.
                        int a = 10;
Performing arithmetic, relational, logical operations on a variable one also called as java Expression.
                        int a = 10;
                        int b = 20;
In a project we use some supporting classes every supporting class must be placed inside a package other wise server will not recognize the supporting classes.
Displaying an object to the client is also considered as java Expressions.
Calling the methods an object and send the output in the client is also called as java Expressions.
                        Infodreamsoft.Emp e = new infodreamsoft.Emp();
                        out.println(e);         or        (e.toString());          or        (e.Eno());

            <% = javaExpressions %>

The following is an Example of jsp Expressions.
                        int a = 10;
                        int b = 20;
            <% = a + b %>    

     or        <% = a%>
The following is the code how jsp compiler convert jsp Expressions.

<% = a + b%>


Out.println(a + b);

            info.ashok.Emp e = new info.ashok.Emp();

<% = e%>
<% = e.getEno() %><br>


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